As simple as it’s function may seem, nowadays, web designers have taken their designs to the next level, jumping on board the newest and most sophisticated tools for design. There are several clue points in the creation and design of a web page; first of all clarity, second a clean easy to understand design, third creativity and originality and finally managing to get through to the user. Very few have managed to cover these points; here are several web pages that made it.
Yu Tsai has managed to shock us once again with a very bold design where he transmits exactly what he wants, his photography along five small labels: print, film, bio, client list and contact. The subdivision of each label is very well placed and no matter what the size of the text is or what they might say, the photography is always the only protagonist feature in its design.
Foster + Partners In comparison to several other architecture web pages, this one has a very clear yet functional way to browse through it. This specific page features a very clean and clear format, it is impossible for you to loose yourself in it; they support graphic elements with small amounts of texts that cover just the basic needs. Their projects can by sorted by type, chronology, alphabet and location. The news are sorted by date and their data is even clearer sorted uniquely.
The importance of a good web design is all about the product; here is a different yet very clear example: Andreas Verheijen. The product is very clear, how it has been converted and changed by the artist into a true work of art is what you can explore in this page, the creativity and expression proofs the artist’s engineering roots.
Apple does not only have great designs in their hardware, their own web design is only another proof of their simple, clean and innovative way to cover all important points that their consumer might need, having thousands of users, they manage to impress at first sight with a clear and changing introduction, then according to what you might need they have 9 tabs above that will get you, anyplace you need.
Take the Italian office Frog’s “A World of Tweets”, this web page simply visualizes real-time Twitter activity around the globe, yet in a very unique way. Their uniquely created heat map makes a new history every time including a 3d stereo view, labels, satellite or cartographic view. They definitely have a clear creative and original design while managing to cover easy to understand design in a very clear way.