

parra fast

There are sometimes in life when you meet people that are incredibly talented in what they do and that have the ability to take on other industries and succeed brilliantly, it's just mind blowing. That's the case of this Amsterdam-based designer known as Parra.

Haven't being accepted into art school Parra had to learn to draw by himself following the steps of his painter father and soon gained fame and prestige throughout Amsterdam because of his drawings. He started collaborating with brands like Vans, Nike, Etnies, Heineken, and many others and decided to establish his own clothing company under the name Rockwell.
Not wanting to only stay in design and drawing, Parra started playing in a couple of music projects that gained quite some popularity and to which he was in charge of creating the image. He has had exhibits in Berlin, Tokyo and Los Angeles and has, until now, succeeded in everything he's done.

Parra is by far one of the people I admire the most; his creativity is simply shocking.

ParraSoundsystem - Maradonna

ParraSoundsystem - Time Is The Master